stuck in a cube

i woke up from a dream to find myself in the middle of a farm of cubicles harvesting the power needed to maintain energy for the corporate establishment...these are my findings...

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Location: Tampa, Florida, United States

Born and bred a true Floridian. With Chinese/Filipino roots and a touch of the South.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Mmm Hooters

Just got back from a Business lunch meeting at Hooters with Pucky...shared some good ideas about opening up shop...ordered 50 wings for 2 people...didn't finish.....yeaaaa we did it right !! Ended up being 30 minutes late clocking back in from lunch. So now i should (emphasis on SHOULD) stay 30 min late after work.....yeaaaaa......

Today is also the birthday of the lady in the cube next to me, so there are all these balloons and streamers hanging over the side of her cube and into's distracting because it's all colorful and vibrant and festive. And i haven't heard anyone say Happy Birthday to her yet lol.....oh what a Fried Day!


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