stuck in a cube

i woke up from a dream to find myself in the middle of a farm of cubicles harvesting the power needed to maintain energy for the corporate establishment...these are my findings...

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Location: Tampa, Florida, United States

Born and bred a true Floridian. With Chinese/Filipino roots and a touch of the South.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Mundane Munday

Another mundane munday in the office….it’s 12:12pm and I’m still in the cube….I have to pull 10 hour days today, tomorrow and Wednesday so I’ll have close enough to 40 hrs by the time Thursday comes so I can go on my CRUISE TO THE BAHAMAS!! Yayer! Me and the whoaman are going for 4 days. I hope to be extremely inebriated for the majority of the cruise. After the cruise, that leaves me with 2 vacation days left for the year, I’m hoping to make it up to visit my cousin in Philly with those 2 days.

Oh yea some drama…i smell a conspiracy in the HR department because when I went to look at my employee profile, it’s supposed to show the jobs you’ve applied for…well according to that I’ve only applied for one job in 2006, the rest of the list are the jobs I applied for in 2005, so for some reason the jobs I’ve applied to and had interviews for this year are not showing, and yes I smell a conspiracy….now granted some at this company already think I’m a mole or a spy of some kind….but as Big Perm may have put it in another world “messing with my employee profile, is like messing with my emotions” something is afoot!!

However to make this Monday not so Monday like, the TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS finally won a game yesterday in TAMPA at RAYMOND JAMES STADIUM (a.k.a. The Crown Jewel of the NFL) against the Cincinnati Bengals. Thank God! It’s about time too! Like I said, we just got our losses out of the way, it’s all wins from here on out!!

Okay I guess I should go to lunch….


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