What a long ass weekend....

So it's Monday morning. The begining to another mundane Monday. It's rare that I'll enjoy a mundane Monday, but today is one of those rarities because I am just absolutely BEAT from the weekend.
The "weekend" started last Wednesday when Pucky convinced me that I needed a mid-week hookah fix. I'll admit it had been a while since I've gone "hookah"-ing with Pucky so I went ahead and took my ass to the hookah bar on a Wednesday night and didn't get home until sometime after 1 AM. Let's just say I was pretty damn late to work Thursday morning.
So Thursday morning I was late to work, obviously. It didn't end there, not only was i late to work, i was freaking sleepy and found myself falling asleep pretty regularly that day. It was also a day that I couldn't just go home from work and sleep it off. Nope this was Thursday October 18, 2007. The day the USF Bulls went to New Jersey to play Rutgers. It was another Hooterific day to be a Bulls fan. Well until they lost by 3 points later that Thursday night. But its okay, i'm still Hooterific about my alma mater. Dem Bulls will do it again!
So Friday comes, obviously a tad bit hungover from Thursday nights football ritual, but very aware enough to go to work on time and put in those hours at work. Friday night is the night I was supposed to bring fellow alums to Berkeley to watch the Pipe & Drum Corps do the halftime show of the Homecoming Football Game. So i get off work early Friday and go home to 'rest'. I get coaxed into going to Saumrai Blue for some pre-halftime show sushi with Pucky, Mytu, and Goat. We stuff ourselves silly with sushi of course, then leave to pickup Ed, who has been waiting outside of my house for us to finish eating, and then off to Berkeley. It was real weird being at our old high school during the homecoming football game, but it was pretty sweet. We got to see the pipe and drum corps do their thing, and they kicked ass. We did a similar routine when we were in high school, but nothing like what they pulled off. So mad respect to the Berkeley Pipe % Drum Corps yo!!
So Friday actually ended up being an early night and Saturday night comes and we all go out to our friend Anna's pub in downtown Tampa for Jessy's Birthday. We were able to convince Fisher (the director of The Pipe & Drum Corps) to come out for a few brewskies. It was a damn good time with some old school people. Even my old roomate Josh came out who I hadn't seen in years. We even got a damn good group picture of all of us that went to Berkeley. It was a damn fun night out at the pub.
All in all it was a very fun and eventful weekend that started with a little hookah on Wednesday and ended with a few brews on Sunday.
Which brings me back to...another mundane monday.....