stuck in a cube

i woke up from a dream to find myself in the middle of a farm of cubicles harvesting the power needed to maintain energy for the corporate establishment...these are my findings...

My Photo
Location: Tampa, Florida, United States

Born and bred a true Floridian. With Chinese/Filipino roots and a touch of the South.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Call me confused...

So i'm at work on the eve of Thanksgiving 2008, I leave for lunch to find this orgy of police cars right outside my office. If you look over the top of the cars, you can see a few horse trailers on the intersecting street. Those were all police trucks towing police horse trailers(?). It was a sight to see, I only wish I could have found out WTF THEY WERE DOING THERE AT 12:30PM THE DAY BEFORE THANKSGIVING!??!

Oh yea HAPPY THANKSGIVING.....and don't forget to GIVE THANKS...because today wasn't promised and neither is tomorrow!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


i guess a lot has happened since my last post which was on valentine's day.

quick rewind/fastForward
got a new job , moved to ft lauderdale , and now you're caught up (a more detailed post will be up later)

so got home from work yesterday, just lounged around and ended up falling asleep on the couch for the entire night, woke up early as hell, decided to do laundry...while the machine is running i get on the computer to check email and do the daily B.S. , i start smelling something funkdafied, turn around , open the bathroom door and the bathroom is underwater..... WTF?!!??!

i knew the plumbing was fucked when i moved in here cuz the toilet was not consistent on flushing/draining, i called the landlord a week ago today to tell her i mailed the rent and to tell her about the problems, didn't hear from her just left a message, never heard anything from her until this morning when i called her to tell her the bathroom was about 2 inches under water...

her initial response at 7 in the morning was "a plumber didn't come yet?"

to which i said "uhh nope haven't heard from anyboy and no one has came by"

"oh my god im so sorry, i had told Myra (the realtor who got me to rent this place) to get a plumber to stop by, well let me get a plumber there as soon as i can"

turns out the realtor "forgot" , isn't that nice.

so called in to work today and told them about my bathroom, took the day off for the plumbers/water extractors to come. they cleaned it all up and finally fixed the plumbing but now i have these 4 big fucking industrial fans blowing that i have to keep on for the next 4 days.

fortunately the landlord has been the shit so far and even offered to put me and debo up in a hotel room, so that's where me and debo will be off to later tonight because these fans are loud as hell and i can't imagine living here for the next 4 days yelling to myself in my head

at least debo gets to sleep in a hotel lol

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Death to consumer driven Hallmark holidays!

Another day has come full of high hopes and high expectations for millions of women everywhere. At the same time another day has come full of disappointment, guilty feelings and unmet obligations for millions of men. My problem with Valentines Day is it's a consumer driven holiday. It's an economic stabilizer. How convenient that day in February falls in the first quarter of the year. It's a way to increase consumer spending in the first quarter of the year and every year millions of dollars are spent on a "Hallmark Holiday".

Valentines Day cards, little candy hearts, roses, flowers, overstuffed giant teddy bears and other stuffed animals...all ways to tell that special someone that they're special. All ways to keep the economy going during the first quarter of every year. And every year it's relied upon.

What I don't like about this day is millions of women will have high expectations from their significant other. While an average man will feel obligated on this day to buy SOMETHING even if it's just a tiny stuffed animal, more than likely the gift receiver will have expected something bigger, or more extravagant. In my experiences, it's pretty damn hard to meet that expectation every year and every year it seems that expectation goes up.

At the same time for millions of men and women who JUST started dating, this day could serve as a jump start or a boost to that relationship. This day could also be valuable to millions of couples who have rocky relationships, it could be the make it or break it point for some relationships. For millions of others however it feels more like an obligatory day of giving and as an economics major I can't help but think of it as nothing more than a consumer driven economic stabilizer.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

New Port Richey's going to freeze over!


Thursday, November 01, 2007


October 31st is my favorite work day of the year. It's the one day of the year 80% of the people at my work let their guards down and act a fool. It's the one day of the year you'll hear people hootin n hollerin all around all three buildings. This year was no different. My friend Sean and myself decided to go as Luchador Wrestlers. He was Huracan Ramirez and I was Coco Rojo. We had our masks, muscle tops and championship belts. We walked around screaming "VOTE FOR THE CHAMPIONS!!" while totally disrupting the workplace. It's Halloween people, like you didn't expect all the people you work with to be having fun and going crazy. It was amusing seeing all the people try to guess who we were under the masks. A lot of people guessed right, and a lot of people were shocked to see our true identities. (Yes we revealed our true identities which is a big no no in the world of luchador wrestling, but a brothers gotta eat and its kinda hard to eat with the mask on)

At the end of the day, reality sets in and the coming of November 1st is inevitable. This years halloween was by far the best halloween I've ever had at work and the pictures shall serve as a memory of the day THE CHAMPIONS WALKED COCA COLA ENTERPRISES!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

What a long ass weekend....


So it's Monday morning. The begining to another mundane Monday. It's rare that I'll enjoy a mundane Monday, but today is one of those rarities because I am just absolutely BEAT from the weekend.

The "weekend" started last Wednesday when Pucky convinced me that I needed a mid-week hookah fix. I'll admit it had been a while since I've gone "hookah"-ing with Pucky so I went ahead and took my ass to the hookah bar on a Wednesday night and didn't get home until sometime after 1 AM. Let's just say I was pretty damn late to work Thursday morning.

So Thursday morning I was late to work, obviously. It didn't end there, not only was i late to work, i was freaking sleepy and found myself falling asleep pretty regularly that day. It was also a day that I couldn't just go home from work and sleep it off. Nope this was Thursday October 18, 2007. The day the USF Bulls went to New Jersey to play Rutgers. It was another Hooterific day to be a Bulls fan. Well until they lost by 3 points later that Thursday night. But its okay, i'm still Hooterific about my alma mater. Dem Bulls will do it again!

So Friday comes, obviously a tad bit hungover from Thursday nights football ritual, but very aware enough to go to work on time and put in those hours at work. Friday night is the night I was supposed to bring fellow alums to Berkeley to watch the Pipe & Drum Corps do the halftime show of the Homecoming Football Game. So i get off work early Friday and go home to 'rest'. I get coaxed into going to Saumrai Blue for some pre-halftime show sushi with Pucky, Mytu, and Goat. We stuff ourselves silly with sushi of course, then leave to pickup Ed, who has been waiting outside of my house for us to finish eating, and then off to Berkeley. It was real weird being at our old high school during the homecoming football game, but it was pretty sweet. We got to see the pipe and drum corps do their thing, and they kicked ass. We did a similar routine when we were in high school, but nothing like what they pulled off. So mad respect to the Berkeley Pipe % Drum Corps yo!!

So Friday actually ended up being an early night and Saturday night comes and we all go out to our friend Anna's pub in downtown Tampa for Jessy's Birthday. We were able to convince Fisher (the director of The Pipe & Drum Corps) to come out for a few brewskies. It was a damn good time with some old school people. Even my old roomate Josh came out who I hadn't seen in years. We even got a damn good group picture of all of us that went to Berkeley. It was a damn fun night out at the pub.

All in all it was a very fun and eventful weekend that started with a little hookah on Wednesday and ended with a few brews on Sunday.

Which brings me back to...another mundane monday.....

Monday, October 01, 2007

Escaped the cube only to return...

So my 6 months as a Deductions Representative have come and gone. I have moved on up to Accountant I back in the property tax department. Before moving to the deductions department I was a Senior Property Tax Clerk and now I return to the department as an Accountant. My favorite way to tell someone of my promotion is like this..."I'M A MOFUGGIN ACCOUNTANT YO!".....very short, very simple, but full of enthusiasm.

It's weird to say, but damn I missed my cubicle! I took it for granted when I was last here and I now fully appreciate having walls around me. The privacy and the ability to Alt-Tab when needed is so nice and totally worth it. I work with some of the same people which makes it very comfy coming back.

A friend of mine got me the Office Space Kit as a cubicle warming present. I hung up the "IS THIS GOOD FOR THE COMPANY" banner. I'm still trying to figure out where to place my "Jump To Conclusions Mat". It completes my office space for sure. I also have my desk buddies to keep me entertained and occupied. I need more desk buddies.

Voluntarily stuck in a cube.....