stuck in a cube

i woke up from a dream to find myself in the middle of a farm of cubicles harvesting the power needed to maintain energy for the corporate establishment...these are my findings...

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Location: Tampa, Florida, United States

Born and bred a true Floridian. With Chinese/Filipino roots and a touch of the South.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

And I’m back….man was it hard bringing my ass to work this morning…..only good thing is IT’S COLD!! After 5 days in the Bahamas, coming back to TAMPA and having COLD weather is a nice change…..on top of that the Bucs did their THANG on Sunday!! It was damn nice representing the bucs hardcore on the cruise and getting a lot of responses….there are a lot of bucs fans in the Bahamas!

But now it’s back to work…. I’ll upload our pictures and post em sometime soon. Should be some good ones…until then it’s back to this work catching up on errrrrthang!


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