stuck in a cube

i woke up from a dream to find myself in the middle of a farm of cubicles harvesting the power needed to maintain energy for the corporate establishment...these are my findings...

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Location: Tampa, Florida, United States

Born and bred a true Floridian. With Chinese/Filipino roots and a touch of the South.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

I Done Gone Back To Cali!!

Well i made it out to Long Beach....after a long friday night of no sleep and a long multi airport adventure starting at an exciting 5:30am i finally got to my sister's apartment by about 8pm West Coast Time.....she picked me up from the airport took me to get 'breakfast' at about noon at this bomb place calld Bake N Broil...then proceeded to show me the beautiful scenery that is Long know i had to do a photoshoot these are the pics from my first day/night back in we're just running errands, donating a buttload of stuff she doesn't need to Goodwill and the animal shelter...nothin exciting...I'm supposed to meet up with a few friends on Monday for some friendly Memorial Day partying.... ;-)I told this to my sister at the end of the day'll be a damn shame when you arrive in NY and realize how much CALI is the fucking SHIT!! Not like she has a choice but still....I think spending one night this close to the damn beach has convinced me that I want to move out to Clearwater or St Pete just to be close the's unreal...i never would have thought it would be this cold in Southern California at the end of May!! We left the balcony door open last night and i was freeeeezing all night!!!! Don't get me wrong it's sunny as shit, but there is like no humidity here and being so close to the water makes it sooo breezy and cool! It's awesome....I'll be back here for sure one of these days.....okay back to more errands...


Blogger DirtRockAngie said...

You say you'll move to the beach now but give you a day or so in that commuting traffic and you'll remember why you haven't. LOL. Glad to hear you are having a good time! Have a drink for me!

9:03 PM  

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