stuck in a cube

i woke up from a dream to find myself in the middle of a farm of cubicles harvesting the power needed to maintain energy for the corporate establishment...these are my findings...

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Location: Tampa, Florida, United States

Born and bred a true Floridian. With Chinese/Filipino roots and a touch of the South.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween

Well i made it through another work at least. My group had the creative idea of decorating our cubes like the arcade game Wack-A-Mole. You know the game where moles pop out of their holes and you bash their skulls with a mallet? Yea we were the moles...and our cubes were our holes. There was a ginormous mallet that one of my supes made out of leather and cotton stuffing. The idea was grand. Just sucks i had to wear denim overalls, plaid shirt, rodent nose, geek glasses and a construction hat. Yea i'll leave that to your imagination and ill put up a picture tomorrow if i have any. We didn't win the decorating contest which convinces me that every year it's been rigged!! It just wouldn't surprise me that's all.

One thing that kept me somewhat entertained was the akward comments that came out of people mouths. Comments that to some corrupted minds could be interpreted as uber perverted. Comments such as "Oh can i wack you?" while another person reiterating the comment with "HAHAH She wants to wack you!!" could potentially draw a perverted picture in the minds of some. And then there was another comment of "Who's banging on my hole?" with a reply of "Yea that was me banging on your hole". The double meanings were confirmed by other parties at my work place so it definitely was NOT just me.

At the end of the day, it was a fun entertaining day. A lot of people dressed up and showed a lot of Halloween spirit and it definitely made the workplace a much more enjoyable place to do business. Although how much actual business work was done is another question and answer. All that matters is today is the end of October. Tomorrow is November 1st 2006. 60 days left until 2007. Now that's scary!! I'm starting to be a believer that after the age of 21 time flies twice as fast. Think about it...

Happy Halloween and Candy Binging! May your souls be spooked by children in cartoon masks and puppy dog constumes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

post a picture of your halloweenie outfit; aka asian village person

10:54 PM  

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