stuck in a cube

i woke up from a dream to find myself in the middle of a farm of cubicles harvesting the power needed to maintain energy for the corporate establishment...these are my findings...

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Location: Tampa, Florida, United States

Born and bred a true Floridian. With Chinese/Filipino roots and a touch of the South.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

November 7, 2006

Time for me to leave work early and go vote. Too bad i have to drive out to Pasco County because i'm still registered there. If i was registered in Hillsborough County I would only have to walk down the street.

But I did my job, i convinced one person who wasn't going to vote, to go vote.

I can't wait for today to be over with. No more damn campaign ads. I love the statistic that more Political Campaign Ads were shown in Tampa than anywhere else int he country. I do not doubt that for a second.

We shall see what tomorrow has in store for the media. The day after an election is like Black Friday to the media it seems.

Off to the City of Dade!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude, the campaign ads were crazy up here too! i think people have just totally lost control of them. cassidy and i were just sitting there, reciting them word for word as they came on every 5 damn seconds...
"PATRICK MURPHY... INexperienced!"

you know what it makes me think of though? in that chris rock movie, head of state, with the ads saying "he's FOR cancer!"
seriously, election time is one of the most ridiculous times ever...

2:19 PM  

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